Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 71. Swim

There wasn't anything particular exciting about my swim today. I think I like swimming for a time rather for a distance. It just seems so much more daunting when I know I have to swim 1500 m rather than just say go swim for 45 minutes.

I feel like I got a better workout mowing my tiny lawn and pulling weeds (yes mom - I'm actually keeping up with it!). Can I vent and say how much I hate mowing my lawn? It takes about 15 minutes with a push mower. That part isn't bad, it's the part that I have 7 new mosquito bites from those 15 minutes. Ridiculous! Why do they love me so? Haha.

Ok, I'm done venting. Time for dinner!

1 comment:

  1. stupid mosquitos! And then you have to deal with the consequences for days!!

    (They're eating me alive in Rome too)
