Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 39. Bike

So, day 39 could've been a better day. It started off by having to take my friend Joe to the airport at 7:30am. Since I was going to the airport, I thought it might be a nice change to actually bike on the trail rather than do the endless loops in the neighborhood.

I get to the trail, get all geared up and on my way. It was actually really nice on the trail, because it's nice and quiet, it was a cool morning and there is noone else out on the trail. I had to bike for an hour today. I get 30 minutes out and come up to a road crossing, so a perfect place to turn around. The trail is paved and then some gravel on each side of it. So, I think to myself, I can just go on the gravel a little bit and then back on the trail and I can turn around without unclipping my feet from the pedals. In retrospect, that was a horrible idea! Right when my front pedal hits that gravel, my entire bike spins around, causing me to spin to the ground. It wasn't that I was going fast, but the momentum swung me around into some nasty gravel.

I end up with a pretty scraped up leg (see picture below), a bruised knee (from hitting the bike frame), a scraped up elbow and a hurt ego. I brushed myself off and got right back up on the bike, because I still had a half hour to bike back to my car.

All in all, a horrible way to start your day. The good news is that I'm not hurt very bad, just some painful scrapes. The bad news is that I have to take tomorrow off from swimming due to my injuries - pretty sure they don't allow open wounds in public pools. So, I will have to tackle the bike again on Saturday - hopefully it will be less drama. Oh - and my bike was unhurt in the spill as well - whew!


  1. Oh that looks familar. So now we will have matching scars. Remember to stay away from the edges they get you everytime. I learned after two falls. :)

  2. Battle wounds!!! Glad to hear you're okay. BTW - way to skip group swim this morning.
